Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I can hear the wind. I miss home.

It was just a thought that I liked. :)
The weather here in Philadelphia has become just a little too dreary for my tastes. I am dreaming of that Southern Sunshine. My mother said it's already in the 50's and 60's most days. And with Mardi Gras passing by this week I am in a terribly homesick mood.
I have a constant love/hate realtionship with Mississippi. At one end, its terribly back water. Everyone is small minded and prejudice to almost all of my "liberal" views. But on the other hand, some of the brightest, happiest people I know live there. I could write a novel on my life in Mississippi, I really do have so much to tell. At times I become so frustrated with the place that I want to swear it off completely.
But I guess in the end it will always be home. The place I can truly relax and breath.

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