Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Being Boring

"I never dreamt that I would get to be the creature that I always meant to be."
Snapped a photo of my bed with an Polaroid camera I found while cleaning my mothers house. The film was very old and sparked a little when I took the photo. My headboard is an old painting I attached to my bed, a DIY project I did in high school. The dream catcher was made by a distant family member. Although I am blond haired and blue eyed my maternal grandmother is of Choctaw Indian ancestry so I guess I took after my very European, blond haired and blue eyed, daddy. :)

An addicting song.
Also, thank you everyone for the warm comments about my long distance relationship in the last post. They really encouraged me to keep my head up! :)


Rose said...

that photo is strangely wondrous

paddle to shore said...

wow. that picture turned out very interesting. I love how strange it looks.

; said...

Me too, I really like it! Hope you have more film..
wow, impressing roots;)

love that song!

k said...

i also have native american and...well, french, ancestry :)

Jeff said...

I love you. And all of the pictures you take. Two weeks and I'll be down there. :D

Erica said...

The photo is really growing on me, its was so strange looking when it developed. the film must have been very old :)

Maria: I wish I had more film too! there was only the one :(

Krystal: I also have french ancestry! well... Cajun french. :)

ashley moe said...

good to hear never let me go is a good book! I definitely plan to read it after seeing the film.
Ooohh your last post--
I long distance dated for a year and then we got married. Soo it can most certainly work out! Distance really does make the heart grow fonder, if though you can't see it now.