Monday, December 13, 2010

Angel, Won't You Call Me

Here are a few quiet images just right for the chilly weather. The top image is a photo of my grandmother. Every image I have ever seen of her as a young woman has her smiling and looking so lovely- I just adore them. So when I discovered this photo the other day at my aunts house I was instantly smitten. And with the cold weather, nothing is better than curling up with my aunt's fat kitty aptly names Mama Kitty. Yes that is her name, isn't it cute?  She is quite possibly the sweetest cat in existence and likes nothing more than to love anyone who will cuddle up with her. 

I'm going to be honest and admit that I've been a bit bah humbug recently. I love the holiday season, but this year I've just felt muted. This is usually the product of long hours working in retail and missing my adorable boyfriend so much that my heart resembles the surface of the moon. It's cratered and empty with a birds eye view of the earth below and all the wonders of that world just out of the poor moons reach. That's how I feel at least.


paddle to shore said...

ah! these are just beautiful, especially the one of you. you're so cute!

Joanna Paterek said...


Tina Sosna said...

so fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Very atmospheric.

Carucci's images do look well suited for large prints. I'd love to see her stuff first hand :)

As for heavenly bodies: Hope the good stuff comes back into your reach soon ;)

Anonymous said...

Mama kitty's eyes are the sweetest thing.

fia said...


i love the picture frame. great photos.