Monday, May 17, 2010

Our Way To Fall.

"So try and try, even if it lasts an hour, with all our might try and make it ours cause we're on our way, we're on our way."

I feel that we are so much closer to recovery- to forgiveness. I see his willingness to allow my heart to heal. He tells me everything, leaving out nothing, and we are learning to let go of the past. A past shadowed by the immature actions of sad people who sought with all they had to break our spirits and see our love fail. Although it is painful, so painful, we have overcome and this growth has allowed the two of us to understand the true value of love and the remarkable connection we have.  My love for him grows to a completely new capacity. We are so alike, we fit together so nicely, and its as if I have known the boy my entire life. This is wonderful.

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