Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Get Lost In My Mind

The Head And The Heart- I Get Lost In My Mind

"Momma once told me, you're already home where you feel loved. I am lost in my mind, I got lost in my mind."

I came to the realization today that I haven't picked up my camera in three weeks. At once this is distressing and yet my mental exhaustion makes it completely understandable. I am tired, tired of pushing so hard to move forward in my life. I've done well, that should be enough and yet I'm unable to rest my mind. I've always found it hard to be as open as I would like on this blog- mostly I fear the repercussions of putting myself to far out there in the world. I'm not an outgoing person. If anything I am horribly introverted- I feel speechless all the time and yet within myself I could spiral in and out of so many things, turning any idea and opinion into any different possibility. Thinking about all this I am brought back to the same conclusion: plain and simply, I'm exhausted. This is a horribly selfish subject to address but I can't help but acknowledge that its not uncommon, that there has to be others that feel similar to me and can even understand where I am coming from.

So what do you do when life and your own faults hinder you from succeeding? How is it possible to somehow retain the person you are without losing yourself in the process? The answer may be obvious but it's never right in front of you when you need it.


Something you've misplaced. said...

I sorry this will be no help to you, but that is a very hard question. Sometimes life gets me so down i just want to quit everything and lay under my covers in my bed for several weeks. Hopefully it gets better. x

Lubica said...

That to me is very sorry ... Sometimes I've got a feeling

Alexandria Daniels said...

I know how you feel. I'm seriously introverted most of the time and I hardly ever go out. My flaws usually get the best of me. However, when I do feel down like this, I try to remind myself that I can only be me and no one else. If I want to change something about myself, I have to remember that change doesn't occur overnight. Continue to live your life, do what you love, and have those you love closest to you. Everything will fall into place. I hope you feel better. <3

Anonymous said...

This is very recognizable to me, you have described exactly how I feel sometimes too. As for me, I mostly try to be the person I would like to be. I try to say yes to everything that comes to me and take some chances. Sometimes it's very exhausting to push yourself like that, but I'd know that it's worth it. I hope you will feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I understand that achievement isn't the only value, that even if I do end up achieving something in my life
that doesn't buy me eternity. I know all this but I just can't grasp it. But I try. Someone once told me her Gran used to say "we are human beings not human doings" so sometimes we should just be. If only that wasn't so hard and if only those nagging voices would shut the heck up every once in a while.. so uhm, I think I have a pretty decent idea where you're coming from but as for a remedy.. I think those feelings, that pull, anxiety and self doubt is the free gift that comes with creativity.

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Difficult stuff. I think we all experience this dilemma in our own way, at some time or another. Although I'm hardly introverted (the opposite, I'm afraid), I find times when I want to run hide, feeling completely uninspired and lost. The best advice I can offer is this: rest. renew. refresh. do what you want...even if it means escaping from the everyday. And my mantra I repeat during times like these? This too shall pass.

sarah said...

(i know it's been a while since you posted this, but whatever.)
first, thank you for sharing the beautiful song - so far i only knew "down in the valley" by the head and the heart and i loved it ever since i first heard the song.

blockades like this are perfectly normal. whenever i feel "stuck" it helps to take a break and go somewhere i've never been. or maybe being super nice to yourself (taking a loong bath, eating your favorite meal and wearing you favorite clothes)
also, lots of sleep! :)