Friday, January 21, 2011

January Hymn

This film was shot back in November when we visited New Orleans and walked along the bed of the Mississippi

Recently, I've felt so apathetic. There is just something about January that is counter productive and dim. I've been feeling uncreative recently and all I can do is blame it on the weather.

And in the meantime, here are a few answers to some of the questions I received. Thank you all so much for responding! Everyone seems so interesting and I have found some great blogs I have never visited before.


Have you ever studied photography or any kind of art, design? If no what have you studied or what are you going to study/do?
I have. In high school I attended a specialty school for artistically gifted students, we lived in dormitories and spent every waking hour practicing art. Basically, I have a well-rounded base in all the arts. In college, I studied Art History and Photography along with Design, the humanities, and just about any other kind of art.

What do you want to do as a career when you get older? And if you could pick anything in the world to do what would it be?
I’m continuing my studies in graduate school with a focus in the history of art, conservation, and photography. In the past I have worked in galleries, museums, and archives doing everything from photographing work to setting up exhibitions. I truly enjoy learning so I think I’ve really found my nitch in life there.

I would really like to know if you have a favorite camera? I personally can get very sentimental when it comes to my cameras.
I am the same! I love all my cameras but I also have far to many cameras to pick only one.  I guess, I’m fairly partial to the newest member of my camera family, a 1949 German medium format called a Flexo (image below). It was a Christmas present from my boy.

I’d like to know what camera you use to take your photos.
Recently I’ve been using my digital, a Canon 30d. But that is mainly due to lack of funding and a few mishaps I’ve had with my film cameras (two of my favorite cameras decided to stop working). I love film but I also see the value in digital too. 

I would love to hear more about your future plans and where you find inspiration for your photos.
I really prefer not to think too much about my future. I’m a bit of an over achiever and if I focus too much on what I want as an outcome I stop enjoying life. I’m getting better but it is still very much a work in progress. So I guess right now I’d really like to get accepted into a good graduate program and save up enough money to do some traveling in Europe this summer.
As for my inspiration, I wish I knew! I’m an avid reader and recently I’ve been spending a lot of time by myself. I’m reflecting and although I feel slightly embarrassed by the work I have produced I know that I am growing and that is inspiration enough. 
Does anyone like the Decemberists? I love them and they recently released a new album. Here's  a link to their interview and live show on npr.


genevieve said...

Loving these answers and the first two shots, The first one, especially, makes me miss the sun and warm weather! Here to February being full on inspiration!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous shots. I have a halina prefect camera, it looks a little like yours there!

Oh yes, I do love the decemberists. I have their discography, in fact. Rather big fan.

Jane said...

I love those photos, especially the second and third! I wouldn't mind visiting New Orleans sometime.

I've heard quite a few people who live in the northern hemisphere say that about January. It's summer here right now, so I unfortunately have no reason for my own unproductivity.

Maria Nikolaeva said...

aww flowers and blue skies, I miss summer and I don't feel very productive in January either. gotta not let it get to us but!

p.s. your new camera is lovelyy :)

maja said...

hi, i am really fond of these pictures. the atmosphere and the texture and all.

Joanna said...

Beautiful photographs, as usual. I know what you mean about feeling uninspired. I've been feeling that a lot lately, and I'm just generally finding it hard to write, and write well. Maybe I think too much about it.. Great post anyway! :) xxx

Joanna Paterek said...

Gosh! that's so surrealistic, you have so warm and beautiful January. Now in my region is aweful... Everywhere is mud. No snow (although there should be snow nad frost).

I read your answers and I rekon you're very interesting person. That's too bad, I so rarely meet in real world peoples like you.

The Thief and The Cobblers said...

I really like these pictures, just the atmosphere and the colours and everything... And your new camera looks amazing!


Jasmin said...

When you'll be in Europe this summer - please, tell me! I live in Germany, but as it's not that far from anywhere here - I'd love to show you around a bit :)

- love your photographs and your words; as always. xx Min

Megan said...

I feel the same way about January, it is my least favorite month and I think I would be fine skipping it and moving straight from December to February. But it was great to find out some more about you! I love that photo of your Flexo. And I do like the Decemberists, I'll have to give their new album a listen!

Magda said...

So lovely photos

Tess Atkinson said...

Your blog is just lovely! I love the layout and these photographs are lovely x

Anonymous said...

oh these photos are wonderful!

Erica said...

Genevieve: yes, heres to more inspiration!

mckenzie: I also have their entire discography! how fun! :)

Jane: If you ever have a chance to visit New Orleans, you should go for it! Its an amazing place and unlike anywhere else in the world. And being unproductive is a problem I have no matter the weather too. ;)

Maria Nikolaeva: thank you!!

maja: thank you! I'm so happy you like them! :D

Joanna: I don't think you're thinking too much at all! I completely understand how you feel... This time of year for me is always hard to get through. Hang in there!

Jeanne Kiur: You're too sweet. :) I hope the weather improves for you soon!

The Thief and The Cobblers: Thanks so much!

Min: Thank you so much! I'll definitely take you up on the offer if I make it over there :)

Megan: If only we could skip right to March! these cold months are always hard :/ thank you for your lovely comment and I hope you enjoy the new album!!

Magda: Thank you!

The Fashion Lark: Thank you very much. I love my blog so that means a lot. :)

Miau: thank you so much dear!

zs closet said...

amazing photography!xxx

thea said...

mmmm,beautiful light.

