Wednesday, August 25, 2010

From the Mouth of Gabriel

I'm heading home, a trip through the mountains and into that thick ragged air of the deep south. I am surprisingly mixed in my emotions about this decision. A month or two at home, I honestly cannot say if I will come out of this well. I am just far to aware of my sullen attitude and pessimistic nature. Something that has only worsened as this summer has progressed. I am hung up, out to dry, confused and lost- watching the world from foggy perspectives of the expectations of others.
So yes, I will go south to my safe place and my home. What bothers me the most is that my family is aware, aware that something is not right- aware that I am not myself. I just hope I am strong enough to get through this.

Don’t be so sure of what you feel (it might as well be trouble). From now on just let the universe be your shelter from the enemy.

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