Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mississippi Water.

"I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo."

My world has become a strange limbo, at times I feel so out of touch I fear I will not fully wake to reality. Life has come to a strange place and I have yet to fully grasp what I am to do next. The possibilities are endless, I feel like losing touch, letting go of all connections and breaking free. I won't though, I don't have the strength. I need to be honest with myself and I need to understand this strange situation. To be so broken- so hurt, I wonder if anyone else can really understand me- who I am and the possibilities that lay ahead. I wonder if I want anyone too. 

These are old photo of southern Louisiana and Mississippi. In another few months this may be gone forever. My world is withering away, a destruction both physical and emotional. I cannot express to you what it feels like to watch the place of your childhood falter and decay. How can so much distruction befall a place so beautiful. The beauty, all that beauty- destroyed.

This does nothing for my mood, the oil might as well be seeping into my heart. 

Memphis slim, an amazing artist and someone I grew up on. The blues are so much a part of my home and who I am today. I wish I could find a recording of Mississippi Water, but Mother Earth will have to do.