Monday, August 29, 2011

Ridge/Hurricane/River/Home (Images Of The Floods)

I have not updated in quite some time and I detest my absence from this place. But there are several major factors that have prevented me from being around. With moving to a new apartment, an earthquake, my job at the museum and my part-time job, and Hurricane Irene hitting while we moved I feel like I've fit an entire months worth of activities into one weekend. On top of it all, I am also nursing a terrible cold that is without a doubt worsened by my busy schedule.

And so yesterday, my first day off in nearly a month, was spent relaxing and unpacking boxes. Jeff and I also found some time to walk down to the Schuylkill River, which had flooded the parks and roads that skirted it's edge. All of this being only a block from our new home. Philadelphia was so lucky not to have been hit worse.

our new apartment building. 
we're on the third floor, a perfect view to watch the rising river.
downtown manayunk on the banks of the schuylkill, flooded after the rains.
our rescue kitten oliver twist (or oliver for short), who is feisty and peculiar just like his namesake
views from the high land across the flooded streets and into the river. east falls was so luck not to have been hit like some others were.

Almost six years ago I was in Hurricane Katrina when it hit my high school in Southern Mississippi. I remember living without electricity, the never ending gas shortage, and having to evacuate after the storm due to poor water standards. One particular memory of the storm was braving the eerie calm after the storm to step outside into the damage and start pumping out the water that had made its way inside. Standing in the wind, its strength knocked me over several times before I retreated inside to safety. Hurricane's are not to be trifled with and Irene brought back strong memories of Katrina for me.


Alexandria Daniels said...

I'm glad that you are okay. Those are some interesting photographs. Sorry to hear that Irene brought back bad memories of Katrina. That was devastating but I'm glad your city wasn't hit as hard as others on the East coast.

Take care of that cold too. I hope you feel better soon. :)

paddle to shore said...

aw:( this makes me so sad. Andre and I were in New Orleans a few years after Katrina and I couldn't believe the destruction and it was still there. We drove around lower 9th ward and we were shocked! Well, I'm glad you're okay, and your new apartment looks very cute. Kim, xo

Jessamyn Read said...

I'm glad you're all ok :) take care xx

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing the photos! it has been a crazy month indeed with the hurricane and the earthquake!

k said...

i'm glad you were safe from irene. your photos are really cool and kind of haunting - feel better!