Monday, March 14, 2011

Donkey And Bear

Takes a bit to realize just how bizarre one's self can be- like feeling out of control and in every place at once. I don't know, I need to stop subconsciously trying to mold myself into ideals I'm not sure I even want to be. There are just so many expectations and its annoying. 

In the mean time I'm creating a website. Its something to do.


beatrice francesca said...

i love the layout of your blog, i'm new to blogging so i'm not sure how to customise it, i would love for my photos to be bigger etc
is there a stencil that you used or something?

c. said...

It's so true. It's what we all do without realizing. Constantly trying to be something that we aren't because it's what we're expected to be. It's almost more difficult preventing it. Uni recently asked me about my identity, and i didn't know what to write about.

Sina Kauri said...

your words coming so true..
it is a so now-time condition

ashley moe said...

I miss living in the south, where it's nice at warm! Here in Minneapolis, it's cold for at least 8 months straight.
The donkey is adorable. I love natural history.

Anonymous said...

Personality and the odd way we structure and mold our various selves never ceases to amaze, confuse and throw spanners in my way.

Sometimes it 's hard to even remember ourself when we're so busy remodelling all the time. argh.

I love your dioramas :)

paddle to shore said...

aww. the first one is brilliant!

lavender and honey. said...

I'm late with commenting on this post. I just wanted to say, I couldn't agree more (with trying to mold myself into ideals). I think it might just be the process of becoming and finding yourself. Thank you for sharing and making me realize, I'm not alone. Also! Thank you for the comment! :D Your comments always brighten my day.

Erica said...

Bea: Thank you, I created my blog layout myself in html.

C: I completely understand you. I have actually discovered so much more about myself since I graduated university. I see the confines I was placed in there and have learned to breath again- I have so much more clarity too! Its just easier said than done though sometimes..

Sina Kuri: I'm glad others can relate. I feel it is a common problem for so many young people today and that is such a conundrum for our society.

Ashley Moe: Thank you! I do love the fact that the south has warm-er weather sometimes. I'm not too fond of snow or cold. Oh and isn't natural history wonderful! (I'm a bit of a nerd) :)

Stef: yes, yes, yes! I completely agree with you. I have recently had to look at myself very personally and I'm not at all sure if I understand myself. and that is such a strange feeling.

Kimberly: Thanks! (that photo is my personal favorite... but I also just think the donkey is cute.) Fun fact: at the Museum its cataloged as a Tibetan Wild Ass (the child in me always giggles at this).

Lavender and Honey: No, thank you! it is so gratifying to hear that others face similar problems. Growth, and understanding oneself is a lifetime process. Its just so confusing, isn't it? Sometimes simply knowing others feel the same way helps the most. You're comments are the sweetest. <3